
ProcesS ENHANCER (IN Sales/ Marketing & Operations) of the Hospitality Branche



Michaël has broadly focused management experience (including director of sales/marketing/revenue/operations) at various independent and branded hotels.


Very experienced in enthusiastically establishing and improving various brands within the hospitality industry (both operational and commercial):

  • Successful team building
  • Hotel openings and onboarding
  • Maximizing business performance
  • Strategic 
  • Tactical leadership



Michaël ten brink



Besides properly motivating and managing people, I have an eye for sustainable process improvement and incorporating smart solutions. In this I like to be innovative. I also apply this successfully to sales/ marketing/ revenue management.


I am not a manager who just 'fits the store'. I like to set something in motion, think along, enthuse to make something better, more effective and creative and always .... with results!

Self reflection


I see my role as a consultant, change manager, trouble shooter who you call in when something really needs to change, or when the finishing touches need to be added, with added value and with results. And who... if possible... With fun, creativity and energy helps find new solutions to known problems in this great industry!


My approach is always accompanied by humor, creativity, playfulness and energy. With the goal being concrete results! That's what I think is important to find solutions to known problems in this great industry!






Lets get acquainted


Click here!



oN A personal note;

Born and raised in Germany and landed in Rotterdam 25 years ago after travelling the world on a cruise ship, working in Amsterdam and a round trip in the Carribean I started to work in Rotterdam! Best descision ever as I met my wife here, our 2 sons are born in Rotterdam and me becoming a Spartaan. Still happily married, living in Hillegersberg where I can do what I love the most; running in the Lage Bergse Bos, sailing in the Bergse Voorplas and having a drink in Van Eijk, in short living the dream! And do not forget, next to my wife and my sons we have a daughter, well not really but she feels like one, our chocolate brown Lab called Miep.